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Xomega Video Tutorials


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Current Tutorials

The following videos demonstrate Xomega features in the latest releases.

PostgreSQL DB to a Blazor app in 15 min

Watch this video to learn about:

Unified Blazor Architecture in .NET 8

Watch this video to learn about:

Generating Blazor Apps in .NET 7

Watch this video to learn about:

Legacy Tutorials

The following video tutorials are based on the older version of Xomega, and demonstrate how to build legacy WebForms, WPF and SPA applications. To learn about building modern Blazor applications, you can also check our latest Walkthrough Tutorial.

While some things have been improved in the latest versions, you can still get a good idea of how to use Xomega to model and generate various applications from these videos.

Model Driven Development

Watch this video to learn about:

Building Desktop Applications

Watch this video to learn about:

Building Single Page Applications

Watch this video to learn about:

Generating Documentation

Watch this video to learn about: