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Xomega Generators

Currently, Xomega.Net is geared towards the Microsoft technology stack:

  • SQL Server or PostgreSQL databases for the persistence layer;
  • Entity Framework Core or Entity Framework 6.x for the domain model and ORM;
  • Service layer in C# that can be exposed through Web API (REST) or WCF (SOAP);
  • C#-based presentation layer for modern Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly web app, or classic ASP.NET WebForms or WPF desktop apps, powered by our open-source Xomega Framework that helps you build robust multi-tier applications faster and with less code.
  • TypeScript-based presentation layer for HTML5 Single Page Applications (SPA) powered by our open-source XomegaJS counterpart of the Xomega Framework for TypeScript SPAs.

Xomega comes with a set of built-in generators that can help you hit the ground running with the Xomega platform. These generators are listed below grouped by the type of output or the layer that they generate.

Model enhancement generators

This type of generator helps you quickly enrich your XML object model by importing it from a database, or by adding new layers or aspects to the model.

  • Import from Database creates an object model from your existing database schema.
  • Full CRUD with Views allows you to quickly add configurable create, update, read, delete and read list operations to any object and its sub-objects in the model, as well as to define and configure any necessary data objects and views in the model for UI generation.
  • Enumerations from Database imports static enumerations and their values into the model from existing database tables.

Data layer generators

These generators create Entity Framework Entities or EDM for ORM and produce DDL scripts that help you build or update your database from the object model.

  • EF Domain Objects generates Entity Framework classes for domain objects, DbContext, and entity configurations using Fluent API.
  • Entity Data Model generates an Entity Data Model to graphically view domain objects on single or multiple diagrams.
  • Database Schema generates a DDL script for your database if you start building your model from scratch.
  • Database Change Script generates a rerunnable DDL update script that will make incremental changes to your existing database to bring it in synch with the object model.

Service layer generators

These generators allow you to rapidly generate service and data contracts, customizable service implementations, as well as artifacts that help you expose your services via WCF or Web API.

Presentation layer generators

These generators allow you to create UI views and any supporting classes for both web and desktop clients following MVVM architecture.


  • Blazor Views generates Razor and C# code for Blazor views and the main menu structure.
  • Syncfusion Blazor Views generates Razor and C# code for Blazor views and the main menu structure using Syncfusion components.


  • Xomega Data Objects generates reusable presentation data objects based on Xomega Framework, which serve as an integral part of the view models.
  • View Models generates platform-independent view model classes based on Xomega Framework that the views can be attached to.
  • Label Resources generates a resource file with labels and titles for data properties, data objects and views declared in the model.
  • REST Service Clients generates C# service proxies that call REST services, and can be registered with the DI container.
  • WCF Client Configuration adds WCF endpoint configurations to the client-side config file.


  • SPA Views generates HTML5 views and TypeScript view models based on the model definitions.
  • XomegaJS Data Objects generates TypeScript presentation data objects based on the XomegaJS framework, which serve as an integral part of the view models.
  • TS Service Contracts generates TypeScript service and data contract classes for RESTful API calls.
  • TS Lookup Cache Loaders generates TypeScript classes for loading custom lookup cache data.
  • TS Enumeration Constants generates TypeScript constants for each enumeration item to allow referring to individual items in the client code without hardcoding the values.

Web Forms

  • ASP.NET Views generates ASP.NET WebForms views based on the model definitions and adds them to the main menu in the Web.sitemap file.


  • WPF Views generates XAML and C# code for WPF views and the main menu resources.

Static data generators

These generators help you use the static enumerations defined in your model both in runtime and design time by generating the necessary artifacts.

  • Lookup Cache Loaders allows you to quickly generate loaders of the lookup cache, which is used to populate selection lists and to decode values, from a database using the corresponding service operation.
  • Enumeration Constants generates constants for each enumeration item to allow referring to individual items in the code.
  • Enumeration Data XML generates an XML file that can be used for runtime lookups and value lists from the model enumerations.
  • Enumeration Reload SQL generates a SQL script for (re)loading enumerations into the database tables to allow using them in the database layer.

Documentation generators

These generators create customizable professional Microsoft Word technical design documents for the system based on your Xomega model.

  • Domain Model Design creates a design document that describes domain model architecture and the full structure of each domain object grouped by module.
  • Service Model Design creates a design document that describes service model architecture and the full structure of each service grouped by module.
  • Static Data Design creates a design document that describes static data architecture and the full description of each enumeration grouped by module.
  • SQLXML Report generates a generic custom document using provided template and data returned by an SQLXML query.

Custom generators

In addition to the standard generators, the Full Edition of Xomega.Net allows you to develop your custom generators, as described here.