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Standard Properties

Xomega Framework includes several data properties for standard data types, as described below.

General properties

Below are some general data properties included with the Xomega Framework.


The TextProperty class stores its value as a string and converts any value to a string using the Convert.ToString method.

If you set the Size of your text property to any positive number, then it will validate that the length of the stored string is no longer than the specified size.


The BooleanProperty class stores its value as a bool? to allow storing null values. It can convert the input string to a boolean using various formats, e.g. "true", "1" or "yes" for the true value, and "false", "0" or "no" for the false value.


You can customize the list of strings that represent true or false values by setting the corresponding static arrays BooleanProperty.TrueStrings and BooleanProperty.FalseStrings respectively.

The property value will be always displayed as a string as either "true" or "false" using the ToString method.


The GuidProperty class stores its value as a Guid? to allow storing null values. It parses the input string as a Guid using the standard Guid.TryParse method, and displays it as a string using the standard ToString method.

Integer properties

All integer properties in Xomega Framework store their value as a nullable of one of the integer types, as described below.


The BigIntegerProperty class validates that the stored value is a long? between the long.MinValue and long.MaxValue.


The PositiveBigIntProperty class validates that the stored value is between 1 and long.MaxValue.


The IntegerProperty class validates that the stored value is an int? between the int.MinValue and int.MaxValue.


The PositiveIntegerProperty class validates that the stored value is between 1 and int.MaxValue.


The SmallIntegerProperty class validates that the stored value is a short? between the short.MinValue and short.MaxValue.


The PositiveSmallIntProperty class validates that the stored value is between 1 and short.MaxValue.


The TinyIntegerProperty class validates that the stored value is a byte? between the byte.MinValue and byte.MaxValue.

Integer key properties

Xomega Framework defines the following set of marker subclasses of the corresponding integer property that indicate that its value is used as a key of an entity, as opposed to just regular properties.

  • BigIntegerKeyProperty - a key property of underlying type long.
  • IntegerKeyProperty - a key property of underlying type int.
  • SmallIntegerKeyProperty - a key property of underlying type short.
  • TinyIntegerKeyProperty - a key property of the underlying type byte.

This allows treating such properties differently in certain scenarios. For example, when adding search criteria by a field that contains integer keys, the corresponding OperatorProperty will include only equality operators, but not the comparison operators, such as "Less Than" or "Greater Than".

Decimal properties

All decimal properties in Xomega Framework store their value as a decimal? but may provide some restrictions on the minimum and maximum values, or format the value in a certain way, as described below.


The DecimalProperty class validates that the stored value is between the decimal.MinValue and decimal.MaxValue, but you can set your custom MinimumValue and MaximumValue. You can also set the MinimumAllowed and MaximumAllowed flags on the property to indicate whether the MinimumValue and MaximumValue are valid values.

The decimal value can be parsed from a string using the NumberStyles.Number formats, but you can set the ParseStyles on the property to your custom styles.

It will use the ToString method to show the value as a string, but you can also set a custom DisplayFormat to show it as a DisplayString using the specified format (but not as an EditString).


The PositiveDecimalProperty class validates that the stored value is between 0 and decimal.MaxValue. You can also set the MinimumAllowedtofalse` for truly positive numbers greater than 0.


The MoneyProperty is a decimal property that displays its value in a currency format for the current culture. It also parses the input string using the NumberStyles.Currency styles.


The PositiveMoneyProperty is a money property that validates that the stored amount is not negative. You can also set the MinimumAllowed to false for truly positive amounts greater than 0.


The PercentProperty is a decimal property that displays its value in a percent format for the current culture.


The PercentFractionProperty ensures that its value is between 0 and 1, meaning that it cannot be more than 100%.

Date/time properties

All date/time properties in Xomega Framework store their value as a DateTime? but may format the value in a certain way, as described below.


The DateTimeProperty parses the input string using the standard DateTime.TryParse method, and displays the value as a string using a space-delimited ShortDatePattern and ShortTimePattern of the DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo. You can specify a custom display format by setting its Format member though. The property will check that its value is a DateTime during validation.


The DateProperty is a date/time property that formats its string value using DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern.


The TimeProperty is a date/time property that formats its string value using DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortTimePattern.

It can also parse the time of day from a single number, e.g. using a military format such as "1500".


You can set the MinutesCentric property to true to treat a number less than 24 as minutes. In this case, for example, "15" would be parsed as "00:15" rather than as "15:00".