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Lookup Data

Most business applications have some enumerated data that is used to populate selection items, as well as to look up the item by ID during validation or for any other purposes. Also, this data is typically fairly static, which lends itself to caching it globally, or at least for the current work session, to avoid unnecessary trips to the database or returning the full data for each result row versus just an ID.

For example, suppose that you have an Order Status field that can be one of the predefined code values for each status, e.g., N for New, C for Complete, etc. When you have a screen for searching orders, the filter field for the status should provide a selection of statuses that shows status descriptions, but store the internal status codes, so you need a way to get a list of statuses with both codes and descriptions.

The backend service will need to validate that each provided status code is one of the valid statuses, especially when the service is called via a remote API, e.g., REST, where you don't want to rely on the UI validations alone. So it will need a way to quickly check if the provided status code is valid.

Similarly, when you display the order status in the results grid, you may want to show the full status description, whereas the backend service would return only the status code to make the structure of the result more simple and compact. In this case, the UI will need a way to quickly look up the status with its description by the status code without making external calls.

Xomega Framework defines a flexible common structure for storing, loading, and caching the lookup data on the client or on the server side, as described in the following sections.


When you want to display a list of entities in a selection control, you typically don't need all the fields for each entity. Normally you need an internal ID, display text, and possibly a few other attributes, which constitute the key information about the entity. For such information, Xomega Framework defines a generic class Header that represents the key header data for an entity.

The Header class has the following primary attributes.

  • Type - a string that determines the class of objects it represents.
  • Id - string-based ID that should be unique for all headers of the given type.
  • Text - a user-friendly text that identifies this header.

Invalid headers

Normally, headers are constructed with all three of the above parameters. However, when you have an invalid Id that was entered by the user or received from somewhere, then it's possible to construct a Header from just the type and that Id, which will mark it as invalid by setting the IsValid flag to false, as illustrated below.

Header h = new Header("type", "Valid ID", "Display Text"); // h.IsValid is true.
h = new Header("type", "Invalid ID"); // h.IsValid is false.

This allows you to store an invalid entered ID as a Header in data properties, which makes it easier to work with when all the property values are of the same type.

Inactive headers

As your system is used and evolves with time, some of its entities may get retired and should no longer be used, but they may not be physically deleted to maintain the integrity of the other entities that use them. For example, when users are deactivated, they should no longer appear in the selection controls for new entities, but you still want to display their full names on the older entities that use them.

To support this, the Header class also has an IsActive flag, which is set to true by default for valid headers, but you can manually set it to false for inactive values. Inactive headers will not be available for selection, but you can still look them up by ID as needed.

Additional attributes

In addition to the basic Id and Text, a Header can have any number of named attributes that are stored as an object. You can get or set them using the header's indexer, as follows.

Header hdr = new Header("type", "ID", "Display Text");
hdr["my attribute"] = 4;
object attr = hdr["my attribute"]; // 4

You can also store multiple values in the attribute using List<object>. To add a value to an attribute, you can use the AddToAttribute method, which will either set the initial scalar value for the attribute or add the value to the existing list if it's not a duplicate (it will construct a new list if the current value is not an IList), as illustrated below.

Header hdr = new Header("type", "ID", "Display Text");
hdr.AddToAttribute("attr", "a"); // hdr["attr"] -> "a"
hdr.AddToAttribute("attr", "b"); // hdr["attr"] -> List<object>() { "a", "b" }
hdr.AddToAttribute("attr", "a"); // duplicate, hdr["attr"] -> List<object>() { "a", "b" }

Display format

Headers provide a flexible way to create its display string representation by calling the ToString(format, resourceManager) method and passing it the desired format, which may contain placeholders for the Id, Text or any of its additional attributes. You can also pass a resource manager to localize the text for static data or pass null to display the Text value as is.

The placeholders for the Id and Text fields are defined by the Header's static constants FieldId and FieldText, respectively. To get a placeholder for any additional attribute, you can call string.Format(Header.AttrPattern, "<attr>") with the attribute name.

In the following example, we create a header for the New Jersey state and specify the country in an additional attribute, which we can use to format the display string for the header.

Header hdr = new Header("state", "NJ", "New Jersey");
hdr["country"] = "USA";

string format = $"{Header.FieldId} ({Header.FieldText})"; // "[i] ([t])"
string s = hdr.ToString(format, null); // "NJ (New Jersey)"

format = $"{Header.FieldId}, {string.Format(Header.AttrPattern, "country")}"; // "[i], [a:country]"
s = hdr.ToString(format, null); // "NJ, USA"

The regular parameterless ToString() method of the Header doesn't use the localization and uses the header's DefaultFormat, which you can set to make it return the data in your custom format. By default, the DefaultFormat is set to Header.FieldText, which displays the text of the header as a string.

Dynamic object

The Header class extends from DynamicObject, which allows you to get or set its additional properties as regular members, as shown in the following code snippet.

Header hdr = new Header("status", "N", "New");
hdr["IsNew"] = true;

dynamic status = hdr;
bool b = status.IsNew; // true
status.IsCompleted = false; // hdr["IsCompleted"] -> false;


Obviously, the names of the additional attributes must be valid identifiers in order to use them as member properties on a dynamic object. Also, these names are case-sensitive.

Text localization

If your application needs to work in multiple locales, then you may need to display the localized text for the Header instead of the default value of the Text field. Following are the two ways to provide the localized text for the headers:

  1. For static lookup data, you can specify the localized text in the standard application resources.
  2. Alternatively, you can provide the localized text in the language attributes, which allows doing it for dynamic lookup data.

The Header class uses its virtual method GetText to get the localized text. You can always override it in your custom header subclass and implement a different strategy for retrieving the localized text for specific types of headers.

Localizing static data

If you have static data in your application, such as a fixed list of order statuses that don't change without releasing a new version of the application, then you can specify the localized texts for this data in the standard application resources. This allows you to use the standard tools for working with resources, as well as standard processes for getting those resources localized into various languages.

To add the localized text for a header representing a static item, you need to add it to the resource file using the key Enum_<Type>.<Id>, where you use the header's Type and Id values, respectively. For example, for various order statuses, the default text resources and their translations in German and Spanish may look as follows.

Enum_order status.NNew
Enum_order status.IIn process
Enum_order status.BBackordered
Enum_order status.SShipped
Enum_order status.CCancelled

If you define your enumerations in the Xomega model for static data, then you can have the default resources generated from it by the Label Resources generator, which allows you to just hand those off to the translators for localization.

When the CurrentUICulture in your application is set to the local culture, such as de-DE, the resource manager constructed from those resources will provide a localized text, which will be used instead of the default Text value, as illustrated below.

CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
ResourceManager resMgr = new ResourceManager("MyProject.Resources", GetType().Assembly));

Header hdr = new Header("order status", "N", "New");
string s = hdr.ToString(Header.FieldText, resMgr); // "Neu" -> from the resource file

Localizing dynamic data

When your lookup data is sourced from the database and can be changed dynamically, then providing localization text in the static resource files may not be a viable option. In this case, you may need to store translations in the same database - either in separate columns for each supported language or in a child table if a list of supported languages is not predefined.

To provide the header's localization text for each supported language/culture, you need to specify it in additional attributes with special names lang-<Culture Name>, e.g., lang-es. You can use the two-letter ISO language code for the general translations, but you can also provide overrides for country-specific languages, such as lang-es-ES.


Localization texts from the additional attributes take precedence over any texts found in the static application resources.

The following example illustrates how to set the localization attributes for different languages and cultures and their effect on the displayed strings.

Header hdr = new Header("status", "N", "New");
hdr["lang-de"] = "Neu";
hdr["lang-es"] = "Nuevo";
hdr["lang-es-ES"] = "Novato";

CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("es");
string s = hdr.ToString(Header.FieldText, null); // "Nuevo"

CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("es-ES");
s = hdr.ToString(Header.FieldText, null); // "Novato" -> from the country-specific culture

CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
s = hdr.ToString(Header.FieldText, null); // "Neu" -> from the parent culture

If you define your enumerations in the Xomega model for static data, then you can also provide localization texts for each item in the additional properties there instead of the application resources.

Lookup table

Xomega Framework provides a class LookupTable that represents a collection of headers of the same type, which allows looking them up by Id or any combination of attributes. These lookup tables are self-indexing, meaning that the lookups by the same attribute(s) are extremely efficient and thread-safe.

You can construct a LookupTable using the following parameters.

  • type - the type of the headers in the lookup tables as a string.
  • data - the list of Header objects of the specified type that serves as the table's data set.
  • caseSensitive - a boolean flag of whether or not to perform case-sensitive look-ups.

The following code snippet illustrates the construction of a lookup table.

var data = new List<Header> {
new Header("status", "O", "Open"),
new Header("status", "P", "In Progress"),
new Header("status", "C", "Completed"),
var statusTable = new LookupTable("status", data, true);

If a type of any header in the provided data set is different from the type of the lookup table, it will be updated to be the latter.

Getting enum data

In order to get an enumerated list of values from a lookup table, such as for displaying them in selection lists, you can call the GetValues() method. By default, it returns all headers in the lookup table, but you can pass it a filter function that returns a bool for a specific header (and DataRow, where applicable) to get a subset of all values, as follows.

IEnumerable<Header> statuses = statusTable.GetValues(); // get a copy of all values
statuses = statusTable.GetValues((hdr, row) => hdr.IsActive, null); // get a copy of filtered values

Since lookup tables are often cached globally, it returns copies of the stored headers here to prevent the calling code from accidentally changing any of their attributes for everybody.

Therefore, if you need a filtered list, you should pass the filter function to the GetValues method instead of filtering the result afterward. This will minimize the amount of cloning for each header, which should make your code more performant.

Looking up data

The most common use case for the lookup tables is to look up a header by its string Id, which you can do by calling the LookupById method. However, you can also look it up by any display format that produces a unique string for the headers using the LookupByFormat method.

For example, to look it up by the text, you can use the Header.FieldText format. You can also use any combination of Id, Text, or additional attributes, as illustrated below.

// look up status by Id
var h = statusTable.LookupById("P"); // In Progress

// use a resource manager to get localized values for the Text
ResourceManager resMgr = new ResourceManager("MyProject.Resources", GetType().Assembly));

// look up status by text
h = statusTable.LookupByFormat(Header.FieldText, "Completed", resMgr);

// look up status by a combination of attributes
string format = $"{Header.FieldId} - {Header.FieldText}";
h = statusTable.LookupByFormat(format, "O - Open", resMgr);

If you look up headers by a value of an additional attribute, which is not unique for all headers in the lookup table, then you will get just the first header that matches this attribute value. However, you can access other matching headers from a special attribute of the first header, which is LookupTable.GroupAttrPrefix + format, where format is the format for that attribute, as shown below.

var data = new List<Header> {
new Header("status", "O", "Open"),
new Header("status", "P", "In Progress"),
new Header("status", "C", "Completed"),
data[0]["closed"] = "no"; // Open
data[1]["closed"] = "no"; // In Progress
data[2]["closed"] = "yes"; // Completed
var statusTable = new LookupTable("status", data, true);

string fmt = string.Format(Header.AttrPattern, "closed");
var open = statusTable.LookupByFormat(fmt, "no"); // Open
var otherNonClosed = open[LookupTable.GroupAttrPrefix + fmt]; // In Progress

Managing indexes

The first time you look up a header in a lookup table by any format (including by Id), it will build an index by that format, which it will use for any subsequent lookups. This self-indexing makes such lookups very flexible and efficient.

A small downside of self-indexing is an increased memory footprint, especially when you need to look up data by a variety of formats. If you need to look up by a one-off format that you are not planning to reuse later, then you can call the ClearIndex method after the lookup to reduce the amount of memory that the lookup table takes, as follows.

statusTable.ClearIndex(Header.FieldText); // clear index by text

statusTable.ResetIndexes(); // clear all indexes

As you can see above, you can also call the ResetIndexes to clear all indexes, which will be subsequently rebuilt when you start looking up data by specific formats.


You should always call the ResetIndexes if you change the value of the CaseSensitive flag to rebuild the indexes.

Lookup cache

While a lookup table represents a collection of headers of the same type, the LookupCache class is a collection of lookup tables of various types, which loads lookup tables from their respective data stores using lookup cache loaders as needed, and provides access to those lookup tables by their types.

Getting a lookup cache

Each lookup cache has a string-based CacheType, which determines how the cache is stored. Xomega Framework defines the following constants for cache types, but you can also define your own.

  • LookupCache.Global - represents a global lookup cache that is shared for the whole application. This is typically used by default for common static lookup data.
  • LookupCache.User - represents a lookup cache for the current user session. This is only available in multi-user environments where sessions are supported, e.g., in WebForms, and is used for lookup data that is specific to the current user due to security requirements or user preferences.
  • LookupCache.Local - represents a local lookup cache for the current data property or context. Such a cache can be constructed manually or implicitly by a LocalLookupCacheLoader class.

To get an instance of a lookup cache of the specified type, you can call a static method LookupCache.Get, which takes the current service provider and the type of cache, as follows.

LookupCache globalCache = LookupCache.Get(serviceProvider, LookupCache.Global);

Lookup cache providers

The LookupCache.Get method delegates retrieval of the specified cache to the current ILookupCacheProvider that is registered with the serviceProvider. If no lookup cache provider is registered there, then it will use the DefaultLookupCacheProvider class that creates and returns a single instance of the lookup cache regardless of the specified cache type.

You can register an appropriate lookup cache provider for your app in your startup class either directly or by using extension methods, as illustrated below.

// register a global DefaultLookupCacheProvider

// register a WebLookupCacheProvider for WebForms projects

// register a custom implementation of the ILookupCacheProvider
services.AddSingleton<ILookupCacheProvider, MyLookupCacheProvider>();

You can implement and register a custom lookup cache provider, which can retrieve the lookup cache from your specific place, such as from a distributed cache.

Local lookup cache

When the lookup cache is limited to the current local context, you can manually construct a local cache from the current service provider and your custom cache loaders, as follows.

var cacheLoaders = new List<ILookupCacheLoader>() { myCacheLoader };
var localCache = new LookupCache(serviceProvider, cacheLoaders, LookupCache.Local);

You can pass null as a list of cache loaders to the LookupCache constructor, which will make it use the list of cache loaders that are registered with the service provider.

Alternatively, you can implement and instantiate your own subclass of the LocalLookupCacheLoader, and then access its Cache member, which will be loaded by that cache loader, as follows.

var localCacheLoader = new MyLocalLookupCacheLoader(serviceProvider, caseSensitive, "myTableType");
var localCache = localCacheLoader.Cache;

Accessing lookup tables

Once you have a lookup cache, you can get a LookupTable of a specific type from it by calling its async method GetLookupTableAsync, as follows.

LookupTable statusTable = await globalCache.GetLookupTableAsync("status", cancellationToken);

If the lookup table is not loaded into the cache yet, it will try to load it first using its lookup cache loader(s) that support loading that type. If none of the cache loaders were able to load the table of that type, then you will get a null back from that method.


Since loading the lookup cache happens asynchronously and may require remote calls, you should always use the async method to get the lookup table, where possible.

The LookupCache class also provides a synchronous method GetLookupTable. It will work the same way if the table is already loaded, but if it's not, then it will block the current thread while trying to load that lookup table. This may cause threading issues, including deadlocks. To avoid loading the lookup table when it's not in the cache, you can pass the cacheOnly argument as true, as follows.

LookupTable statusTable = globalCache.GetLookupTable("status", true); // don't load, if not in cache

If the cached data for a lookup table has changed, and you want to refresh it in the lookup cache, then you can call the RemoveLookupTable, and that lookup table will be reloaded the next time you try to access it, as shown below.

globalCache.RemoveLookupTable("status"); // clear cached lookup table to be reloaded next time

Lookup cache loaders

The LookupCache loads its lookup tables using a number of lookup cache loader classes that implement the ILookupCacheLoader interface. Each lookup cache loader can load lookup tables of one or more types.

You can pass a specific list of cache loaders to the constructor of the LookupCache, or you can pass null, and it will use the cache loaders that you registered with the service provider in your startup class. You can use an extension method for brevity, as follows.


We recommend that you define your extension method in a separate class, where you would register all the cache loaders for the project as singletons, as follows.

public static void AddLookupCacheLoaders(this IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<ILookupCacheLoader, ProductCacheLoader>();
services.AddSingleton<ILookupCacheLoader, SalesPersonCacheLoader>();

You can manually implement the ILookupCacheLoader interface, where you'd need to implement the IsSupported(cacheType, tableType) method that indicates whether it can load the specified type of table for the specific cache type, as well as the actual async method LoadAsync(cache, tableType) that loads the table into the cache using cache.CacheLookupTable(table).

However, Xomega Framework provides some base classes like LookupCacheLoader or LocalLookupCacheLoader that you can extend and just override the LoadCacheAsync method, as you will see below.

Load table from service

If you have a specific list of objects that is fairly static and not too large, which you want to load into a lookup cache, and if you have a service operation that returns the entire list, then you can create and register a cache loader class that extends from the LookupCacheLoader and loads those objects into your cache using that service operation.

For example, if you want to cache a list of products that are returned by the IProductService.ReadListAsync operation, then you can define a ProductCacheLoader class as follows.

public partial class ProductCacheLoader : LookupCacheLoader 
public ProductCacheLoader(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
: base(serviceProvider, LookupCache.Global, true, "product")

You construct the base class with a specific cache type, a case-sensitive flag, and one or more supported lookup table types.

Next, you need to override the LoadCacheAsync method to call your service operation, construct a LookupTable from the results, and update the cache with it, as illustrated below.

protected override async Task LoadCacheAsync(string tableType, CacheUpdater updateCache,
CancellationToken token = default)
// call remote services to read a list of products asynchronously
var output = await ReadProductsAsync(token);
if (output?.Messages != null)
else if (output?.Result == null) return; // load next time or by another loader

// build data for the lookup table
var data = new Dictionary<string, Header>();
foreach (var row in output.Result)
string id = "" + row.ProductId;
if (!data.TryGetValue(id, out Header h))
data[id] = h = new Header(tableType, id, row.Name);
h.IsActive = IsActive(row.IsActive);
h.AddToAttribute("product model id", row.ProductModelId);
h.AddToAttribute("list price", row.ListPrice);

// update cache even if no data is returned to mark it as loaded
updateCache(new LookupTable(tableType, data.Values, caseSensitive));

The ReadProductsAsync method that calls the remote service operation would look as follows.

protected async Task<Output<ICollection<Product>>> ReadProductsAsync(CancellationToken token = default)
using (var s = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
var svc = s.ServiceProvider.GetService<IProductService>();
return await svc.ReadListAsync();

Parameterized loaders

When the list of objects is too large to be read and cached globally, you can define a service operation that takes some contextual parameters and returns the relevant subset of those objects, which you can then cache locally for the current context.

To set up such a local cache, you can define a cache loader that extends from the LocalLookupCacheLoader, which maintains a dictionary of named Parameters with their values for your service call.

For example, if you have a large table of addresses for various business entities, and you want to load a local cache of addresses for a specific business entity, then you can define a BusinessEntityAddressCacheLoader as follows.

public partial class BusinessEntityAddressCacheLoader : LocalLookupCacheLoader 
public BusinessEntityAddressCacheLoader(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
: base(serviceProvider, true, "business entity address")

protected async Task<Output<ICollection<BusinessEntityAddress>>> ReadAddressListAsync(
CancellationToken token = default)
using (var s = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
if (Parameters.TryGetValue("business entity id", out businessEntityId))
var svc = s.ServiceProvider.GetService<IBusinessEntityAddressService>();
return await svc.ReadListAsync((int)businessEntityId);

return null;

protected override async Task LoadCacheAsync(string tableType, CacheUpdater updateCache,
CancellationToken token = default)
var output = await ReadAddressListAsync(token);

Now you can construct a local cache loader for business entity addresses, set its parameters with a specific business entity ID, and get a cached lookup table of addresses from that local cache, as shown below.

var cacheLoader = new BusinessEntityAddressCacheLoader(serviceProvider);

// load local cache for the business entity with Id 123
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "business entity id", 123 } };
await cacheLoader.SetParametersAsync(parameters, cacheLoader.LocalCache, token);

// access the lookup table of addresses for the current business entity
var addressTable = await cacheLoader.LocalCache.GetLookupTableAsync("business entity address");

Local parameterized lookup cache loaders like this are used to read and cache a list of possible values for an EnumProperty based on the value(s) of other data properties.

Generic dictionary loader

When you have a number of simple enumerated lists of fairly static items, then instead of storing each list in its own table, you can create a generic dictionary table that would store all of those items using a common structure.


Storing enumerated lists in a generic dictionary can also allow you to define new lists dynamically in runtime.

Each item would typically have its own item type and a string-based item code that serves as an ID within that type. It can also have the user-friendly text and possibly a collection of named attributes with their values, which you can store in a child table.

If you have a service operation that returns all the dictionary data, such as ReadDictionaryAsync, it could return an Output<ICollection<DictionaryItem>> using the following structures.

public class DictionaryItem
public string ItemType { get; set; }
public string ItemCode { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public ICollection<ItemAttribute> Attributes { get; set; }

public class ItemAttribute
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }

You can create and register a DictionaryCacheLoader based on this ReadDictionaryAsync service operation, which would load lookup tables for all item types in the dictionary. Since the list of supported item types may not be known at design time, you can pass no supportedTypes to the base constructor, as follows.

public DictionaryCacheLoader(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
: base(serviceProvider, LookupCache.Global, true) // no supported types at initialization

Since the list of supported types is initially unknown, the first time the global cache tries to load any table, it will ask the DictionaryCacheLoader to load all the data. After that, the dictionary loader will know which tables it can load based on the actual data and will reload the data only for one of those lookup tables.

The implementation of the LoadCacheAsync method will use the ItemType of each returned item to place it in the proper lookup table, as illustrated by the following code snippet.

protected override async Task LoadCacheAsync(string tableType, CacheUpdater updateCache,
CancellationToken token = default)
// read dictionary of items with their attributes
var output = await ReadDictionaryAsync();
if (output?.Messages != null)
else if (output?.Result == null) return;

// build the data for lookup tables from the result
var data = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Header>>();
foreach (var row in output.Result)
string type = row.ItemType; // item type returned for each row

if (!data.TryGetValue(type, out Dictionary<string, Header> tbl))
data[type] = tbl = new Dictionary<string, Header>();
string id = row.ItemCode;
if (!tbl.TryGetValue(id, out Header h))
tbl[id] = h = new Header(type, id, row.Text);
foreach (var attr in row.Attributes)
h.AddToAttribute(attr.Name, attr.Value);

// if no data is returned we still need to update cache to mark it as loaded
if (data.Count == 0) updateCache(new LookupTable(tableType, new List<Header>(), true));

// update cache for each lookup table loaded
foreach (string type in data.Keys)
updateCache(new LookupTable(type, data[type].Values, caseSensitive));

Static XML data loader

If you have lookup data that is based on static enumerations and cannot be changed in runtime, then you can also put it into an XML file, e.g., enumerations.resx, and include it as an embedded resource with your code. Xomega Framework provides a class XmlLookupCacheLoader that will be able to load this data from your embedded resource file and put it into the global lookup cache.

The format of the XML data is based on the Xomega model for static data, where each lookup table is represented by an enum element, which has a list of item elements for the actual items, and each item may have some prop child elements for its named attributes, as illustrated in the following example.

<enums xmlns="">
<enum name="yesno">
<item name="Yes" value="true"/>
<item name="No" value="false"/>
<enum name="operators">
<property name="sort order"/>
<property name="addl props" default="0"/>
<property name="null check" default="0"/>
<item name="Is Null" value="NL">
<prop ref="sort order" value="00"/>
<prop ref="null check" value="1"/>
<item name="Is Equal To" value="EQ">
<prop ref="sort order" value="10"/>
<prop ref="addl props" value="1"/>
<enum name="sales order status">
<item name="In process" value="1"/>
<item name="Approved" value="2"/>
<item name="Backordered" value="3"/>
<item name="Rejected" value="4"/>
<item name="Shipped" value="5"/>
<item name="Cancelled" value="6"/>

You can also have property elements under the properties node that provide default values for the named attributes.

To register an XmlLookupCacheLoader for your resource file during the startup, you can call the AddXmlResourceCacheLoader extension method and give it the assembly that contains your embedded resource, as well as the name of the resource file, as follows.

services.AddXmlResourceCacheLoader(GetType().Assembly, ".enumerations.xres", false);