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error on building of Build the model project
#1 Posted : Sunday, May 4, 2014 1:37:41 PM(UTC)


I am getting this error on building of Build the model project:

Error 1 Cannot convert string "" to xs:decimal C:\Program Files (x86)\Xomega.Net\4.4\Xsl\edm.xsl 111 2 MyProject5.Model

how do I srot this out please?

Visual Studio Professional 2012 (x86) - DVD (English),
#2 Posted : Sunday, May 4, 2014 3:53:41 PM(UTC)

Hi Simon, thank you for your interest in our product. Could you please check your model project (.xomproj) to see if the EDM generator has the DbVersion parameters as follows?

<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\edm.xsl">
<Name>Entity Data Model</Name>
<Folder>Business Layer</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<ConfigFile-desc>Configuration file to add entity connection string to based on the project's database connection.</ConfigFile-desc>

If that line is not there, could you please add it and try again? Please feel free to contact us with any questions or issues either via our forum or via email.
#3 Posted : Sunday, May 4, 2014 5:08:17 PM(UTC)

Yesy it has this is the part:
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\edm.xsl">
<Name>Entity Data Model</Name>
<Folder>Business Layer</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<ConfigFile-desc>Configuration file to add entity connection string to based on the project's database connection.</ConfigFile-desc>

and this is the files:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="2.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Model</Configuration>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\db_import.xsl">
<Name>Import from Database</Name>
<Folder>Model Enhancement</Folder>
<KeepTableNames-desc>Specify whether to preserve table names in generated objects.</KeepTableNames-desc>
<KeepColumnNames-desc>Specify whether to preserve column names in generated objects.</KeepColumnNames-desc>
<KeepConstraintNames-desc>Specify whether to preserve constraint names in generated objects.</KeepConstraintNames-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\db_schema.xsl">
<Name>Database Schema</Name>
<Folder>Database Layer</Folder>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\db_diff.xsl">
<Name>Database Change Script</Name>
<Folder>Database Layer</Folder>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\docs.xsl">
<Name>Domain Model Design</Name>
<DocumentTemplate-desc>Path to the MS Word document that will be used as a template for the generated document.</DocumentTemplate-desc>
<Title-param>MyProject2 Domain Model</Title-param>
<Title-desc>Title to use for the generated document.</Title-desc>
<Subject-param>Technical design for the MyProject2 domain model</Subject-param>
<Subject-desc>Subject (subtitle) to use for the generated document.</Subject-desc>
<Creator-desc>Creator (author) of the generated document.</Creator-desc>
<Company-desc>Company to use for the generated document.</Company-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\docs.xsl">
<Name>Service Model Design</Name>
<DocumentTemplate-desc>Path to the MS Word document that will be used as a template for the generated document.</DocumentTemplate-desc>
<Title-param>MyProject2 Service Model</Title-param>
<Title-desc>Title to use for the generated document.</Title-desc>
<Subject-param>Technical design for the MyProject2 service model</Subject-param>
<Subject-desc>Subject (subtitle) to use for the generated document.</Subject-desc>
<Creator-desc>Creator (author) of the generated document.</Creator-desc>
<Company-desc>Company to use for the generated document.</Company-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\docs.xsl">
<Name>Static Data Design</Name>
<DocumentTemplate-desc>Path to the MS Word document that will be used as a template for the generated document.</DocumentTemplate-desc>
<Title-param>MyProject2 Static Data Design</Title-param>
<Title-desc>Title to use for the generated document.</Title-desc>
<Subject-param>Technical design for the MyProject2 static data</Subject-param>
<Subject-desc>Subject (subtitle) to use for the generated document.</Subject-desc>
<Creator-desc>Creator (author) of the generated document.</Creator-desc>
<Company-desc>Company to use for the generated document.</Company-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\edm.xsl">
<Name>Entity Data Model</Name>
<Folder>Business Layer</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<ConfigFile-desc>Configuration file to add entity connection string to based on the project's database connection.</ConfigFile-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\wcf_svcimpl.xsl">
<Name>Service Implementation</Name>
<Folder>Business Layer</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\model_ops.xsl">
<Name>Model CRUD Operations</Name>
<Folder>Model Enhancement</Folder>
<GenerateOperators-desc>Whether or not to generate operators for search criteria.</GenerateOperators-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\model_enums_db.xsl">
<Name>Enumerations from Database</Name>
<Folder>Model Enhancement</Folder>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\wcf_services.xsl">
<Name>WCF Service Contracts</Name>
<Folder>Service Layer</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\wcf_config.xsl">
<Name>WCF Server Configuration</Name>
<Folder>Service Layer</Folder>
<EndpointBehavior-desc>Endpoint behavior to set for all service endpoints.</EndpointBehavior-desc>
<IsClient-desc>Specify whether it is a client or a server configuration.</IsClient-desc>
<ServiceBehavior-desc>Service behavior to set for all services.</ServiceBehavior-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\wcf_iis_svchost.xsl">
<Name>IIS Service Host Files</Name>
<Folder>Service Layer</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\wcf_config.xsl">
<Name>WCF Client Configuration</Name>
<Folder>Service Layer</Folder>
<IsClient-desc>Specify whether it is a client or a server configuration.</IsClient-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\data_objects.xsl">
<Name>Xomega Data Objects</Name>
<Folder>Presentation Layer</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<LinkIntoProject-desc>A project file to add links to the generated files to.</LinkIntoProject-desc>
<LinkPath-desc>A path indicating where to insert the linked file in the project specified by the LinkIntoProject parameter.</LinkPath-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\wpf_search.xsl">
<Name>WPF Search Form</Name>
<Folder>Presentation Layer\WPF</Folder>
<FormNamespace-desc>Namespace for the generated form.</FormNamespace-desc>
<FormName-desc>Name of the generated form. May contain spaces.</FormName-desc>
<ListRowObject-desc>Xomega data object for the rows in the results grid.</ListRowObject-desc>
<ListRowObject-category>Data Object</ListRowObject-category>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\wpf_details.xsl">
<Name>WPF Details Form</Name>
<Folder>Presentation Layer\WPF</Folder>
<FormNamespace-desc>Namespace for the generated form.</FormNamespace-desc>
<FormName-desc>Name of the generated form. May contain spaces.</FormName-desc>
<DetailsObject-desc>Xomega data object for the form's data model.</DetailsObject-desc>
<DetailsObject-category>Data Object</DetailsObject-category>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\silverlight_search.xsl">
<Name>Silverlight Search Page</Name>
<Folder>Presentation Layer\Silverlight</Folder>
<PageNamespace-desc>Namespace for the generated page.</PageNamespace-desc>
<PageName-desc>Name of the generated page. May contain spaces.</PageName-desc>
<ListRowObject-desc>Xomega data object for the rows in the results grid.</ListRowObject-desc>
<ListRowObject-category>Data Object</ListRowObject-category>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\silverlight_details.xsl">
<Name>Silverlight Details Page</Name>
<Folder>Presentation Layer\Silverlight</Folder>
<PageNamespace-desc>Namespace for the generated page.</PageNamespace-desc>
<PageName-desc>Name of the generated page. May contain spaces.</PageName-desc>
<DetailsObject-desc>Xomega data object for the page's data model.</DetailsObject-desc>
<DetailsObject-category>Data Object</DetailsObject-category>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\aspnet_search.xsl">
<Name>ASP.NET Search Form</Name>
<Folder>Presentation Layer\ASP.NET</Folder>
<PageNamespace-desc>Namespace for the generated page.</PageNamespace-desc>
<PageName-desc>Name of the generated page. May contain spaces.</PageName-desc>
<ListRowObject-desc>Xomega data object for the rows in the results grid.</ListRowObject-desc>
<ListRowObject-category>Data Object</ListRowObject-category>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\aspnet_details.xsl">
<Name>ASP.NET Details Form</Name>
<Folder>Presentation Layer\ASP.NET</Folder>
<PageNamespace-desc>Namespace for the generated page.</PageNamespace-desc>
<PageName-desc>Name of the generated page. May contain spaces.</PageName-desc>
<DetailsObject-desc>Xomega data object for the page's data model.</DetailsObject-desc>
<DetailsObject-category>Data Object</DetailsObject-category>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\enum_cache.xsl">
<Name>DB Lookup Cache Loaders</Name>
<Folder>Static Data</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<LinkIntoProject-desc>A project file to add links to the generated files to.</LinkIntoProject-desc>
<LinkPath-desc>A path indicating where to insert the linked file in the project specified by the LinkIntoProject parameter.</LinkPath-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\enum_xml.xsl">
<Name>Enumeration Data XML</Name>
<Folder>Static Data</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<LinkIntoProject-desc>A project file to add links to the generated files to.</LinkIntoProject-desc>
<LinkPath-desc>A path indicating where to insert the linked file in the project specified by the LinkIntoProject parameter.</LinkPath-desc>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\enum_sql.xsl">
<Name>Enumeration Reload SQL</Name>
<Folder>Static Data</Folder>
<XomGenerator Include="$(XomegaHome11)Xsl\enum_const.xsl">
<Name>Enumeration Constants</Name>
<Folder>Static Data</Folder>
<AddToProject-desc>A project file to add the generated files to.</AddToProject-desc>
<LinkIntoProject-desc>A project file to add links to the generated files to.</LinkIntoProject-desc>
<LinkPath-desc>A path indicating where to insert the linked file in the project specified by the LinkIntoProject parameter.</LinkPath-desc>
<XomFile Include="Framework\base_types.xom" />
<XomFile Include="Framework\operators.xom" />
<XomFile Include="global_config.xom" />
<Import Project="$(XomegaHome11)Xomega.targets" />
#4 Posted : Sunday, May 4, 2014 5:31:49 PM(UTC)

Great, thanks for the feedback. I can see that you tried to build the model without having set the database connection, which made the DbVersion to be blank.

We will fix this issue in the next release, but as a workaround, could you please select the Model project node, hit F4 to view properties and specify the Database Connection to your SQL Server DB, which will populate the DbVersion. Or, you can just manually enter the Database Version there (e.g. 9 for SQL Server 2005).

Please let us know if this works for you.
#5 Posted : Monday, May 5, 2014 3:40:40 AM(UTC)


The database I have is a MySQL can I not use that?
If I can How do I set it up?

If not do you know of a like product (I like opensouce projects) that I can use MySQL with?

#6 Posted : Monday, May 5, 2014 4:34:50 AM(UTC)

So far, the only database that is officially supported is SQL Server, but you may still use Xomega with other databases with some database related features being not fully functional. Here is a list of problems I foresee and ways to work around them.

1. Import from Database generator will most likely not work. You can obviously always define the model manually from scratch, but this could be pretty tedious. You can also try to import your database into a SQL server database for the sake of importing it into the model and then switch back to MySQL.

2. Once you have the model imported (or manually defined), you should be able to generate the Entity Data Model, which may work with MySQL out of the box. If it doesn't, then you can always import the EDM directly from MySQL using Visual Studio.

3. Generation of the script to update a database based on the model changes will likely not work. You would have to either manually track the changes to the database, or use the standard Microsoft migrations mechanism.

4. All other generators for the UI forms, view models (Xomega data objects), services, etc. should be fully functional and can help you quickly develop high quality multi-tier applications.

We're not aware of any other similar (open source) projects for MySQL, but Xomega is based on a unique and innovative technology, which you will unlikely to find in other products. If you decide to give Xomega a try, please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or issues.
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